What is Smudging?
Smudging is traditionally a ceremonial practice for purifying or cleansing a person, place, or thing, of negative energies. Sacred smoke is created through the burning of incense in a ritualistic manner that is then wafted around an area or person. The act of smudging and presence of positive intention are believed by many to combat curses, evil spirits, and bad luck. Below you'll find that we have carefully curated a handful of products that help these practices.
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Who is Alternative Imagination?
We are a small business dedicated to creating high-quality, natural, home goods. From 100% pure beeswax candles to sustainably sourced sage, palo santo, & biodegradable glitter, we only craft the best for our customers and our beautiful mother Earth!

na·ma·ste /ˈnäməˌstā/
A Hindu customary, non-contact, form of respectfully greeting and honoring the opposite person or group, used at any time of day.